Become the king of manual trading!

Get up to +100% per month using technical indicators signals

Find the best technical indicators and ready-made trading systems
for manual trading in our store:

Accuracy of trading signals more than 90%

Our trading indicators provide signals with an accuracy of at least 90%. This means that almost all of your deals will bring positive results.

Artificial Intelligence Inside

Some of our technical trading indicators use artificial intelligence to find the best trades.

Convenient signals for trading

Our manual trading systems provide clear signals in the form of arrow signals, push notifications and pop-ups. You will never miss a trading signal.

Different trading strategies

All trading indicators from our store use different trading strategies. You can create your trading portfolio from different indicators on one account.

No repaint trading indicators

These are indicators without redrawing, so you can be sure that their signals on the history of quotes and in reality will be equally profitable.

Easy to use

Our trading strategies, trading systems and indicators are easy to use. We also provide step-by-step instructions on how to install and use them.

The best technical trading indicators
(ready-made trading systems) in our store:

Octopus Divergence Indicator

Octopus TS

Forex Real Power


Forex Index

Gravity System

Trading Indicator

Grabber Indicator

Ok, now a little more about our ready-made trading strategies and technical indicators.

This is an example of how the Index Gravity System trading indicator works:

Interested in the effectiveness of this software? Look at the screenshot below. These are the results from a real account!


If you are interested in our Index Gravity System trading indicator? Then click the button below and find out the details of its use

This is an example of how the Divergence Trading indicator works:

These are the results from a real account! You can do the same and much more!

Did you like this trading strategy? If you are interested in the divergence indicator, then click the button below.


Built for fast growth!

Use our Prop Trading bots and

Split Profit every month

Choose these Passed robots if you want to pass the challenge or become a funded trader:

Dark Algo EA Algo MT5 Prop Firm passed automated trading MetaTrader 5

Dark Algo

Prop Architect bot

Merkava Prop Firm software

Merkava Trader

Centaur Trading

Meets the requirements of most Prop Firms